Attack Traffic
places 9th in the list of top countries (speed of Internet in Asia Pacific
region ) from which attack traffic originates. Reassuringly, attack traffic
fell from 3.7% in the third quarter of 2011 to 3% in the 4th quarter, but this
is one list that we want to be at the bottom of – not in the top ten.
Average Connection Speed
With an average connection speed of 0.9 Mbps, India,
as the title of this article states, places 114th globally as far as Internet
connectivity speeds are concerned. Apparently, this is an 8.6% increase over
the same quarter of the previous year, so we should be happy – but diving
deeper into Akamai’s report, we find that the average connection speed in India
has stayed at around the 800-900 Kbps range for the past four years (as long as
Akamai has been collecting this data).
Mobile Connectivity
The situation with mobile connectivity in India seems
brighter, with the penetration of 3G for mobile phones and high-speed
CDMA-based Internet devices. The average connection speed was over 1.5 Mbps,
with the peak connection speed average well over 9 Mbps. However, with the
rarity of legal music and video content for download in India and the
high cost of mobile data traffic, we Indians apparently download an average of
just over 200 MB each month.
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